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7 things you must do before your next AV/IT upgrade
7 things you must do before your next AV/IT upgrade to avoid the horrors of failing systems – make sure you get it...
Who is really on the side of an ETO or AVIT Officer?
Every ETO and/or AVIT Officer will know the pain of managing the multiple stakeholders involved in an...
Movers and Shakers
It’s often said that necessity is the mother of invention. One wonders, however, how much of today’s innovations are...

Speedcast Unveils Network-Optimised Remote Video Streaming Solution
Speedcast recently announced the launch of Speedcast SmartViewTM, an innovative, network-optimized remote video and...
Tiers of wireless communications
When choosing your wireless communications for your yacht, you need to consider the full package. Not only do you...

Your Digital Doorman – safer passerelle greetings
The last few months have made us all review our normal practices and have to...
Passive Weapons: How to protect yourself in an attack.
While life on a superyacht is generally safe, international waters can be a...
Who is watching you? Are you safe?
Can you be sure who is watching you? Book an exclusive M.A.D.S Demo Day at...
Using Land-Based Mobile Networks for Broadband Data Instead of Satellite
The Superyacht Technology Conference is fast approaching and how to achieve...
Voyager IP puts the Celerway ARCUS 5G to the test
For a premium connectivity solution fit for the modern yacht, Voyager IP found...
The excelerated learnings of working across multiple industries
An article from our 2020 Blueprint. An interview with David Savage, Chairman,...
Secure the underlying network onboard your yacht
With ever-increasing numbers of devices and services becoming network...
Happy Crew, Happy Owner, Safe Yacht
The relationship between a superyacht owner and their crew is not often...
The Need for Speed
The internet has become an essential part of our everyday life. Of course,...