Technology is continuously developing and evolving. It is therefore imperative that we make sure the delivered systems are healthy and up-to-date. Tech suppliers have a number of solutions available to them to provide onboard technical departments with the best service to maintain their systems.
Prevention is better than cure: It is always better to put practices in place which prevent problems occurring such as system breakdowns than to be in a position where you need to cure them. To this end, updates form an integral part of a fully functioning, latest generation system and ensure tech suppliers can continue to deliver the very latest in technical innovations and keep systems healthy. As a software vendor, we believe in regular system and software updates which include not only the all-important bug fixes and improvements but also new features. Every quarter we launch an update of our YachtEye system. We keep ETO’s and System Integrators, who work with YachtEye, fully informed about all upcoming updates, we provide weekly information releases via our online channels regarding the new upcoming features and send emails with the quarterly release notes.
Simplified, easy to follow processes: With multiple and complex technical systems and hardware on board, upgrading each and every one can prove a lot of work for the onboard technical departments. Tech suppliers should always keep this in mind and aim to provide an as-easy-as-possible method for upgrading the system.
With YachtEye we have created a simple 5 step solution to install updates:
- Close the program
- Upgrade the system
- Log in to the management portal
- Reboot the system
- Verify
Problem solving
Sometimes technical systems experience an issue. Efficient, fast and effective problem solving is imperative for optimal operability and minimum downtime. The on board technical department must be able to contact the tech supplier and have the problem solved as soon as possible and the tech supplier must have provisions in place to deal with such a scenario. We have Team Viewer. It enables us to log in the system, following the approval of an ETO/Captain, and check the status of the YachtEye server. We can diagnose the flaw and give an indication of the scope of the problem. Often, we can solve the problem immediately.
Focus on maintenance
As the founder of the first interactive guest infotainment system on board of superyachts, the need and importance to remain innovative and meet market requirements form an essential role in everything we do. On board, it is simply expected that everything is continuously up and running and works flawlessly. Should YachtEye shut down for whatever reason, the owner and guests will nearly know about it as on the whole, YachtEye runs on screens in the lounge, bridge, and cabins. For this reason, we place significant value and importance on technical maintenance and the need for easy communication lines to be able to support vessels wherever they are, whenever it is necessary.