Recently bought by IDS a major global corporation and delivering some disruptive tech, could this new kid on the block be a game changer?
Often described by the established providers as “Exotic” or “New” but with a strong heritage in military and commercial and a research division delivering game-changing technology ahead of the of the establishment is David really Goliath?
In the face of fierce competition, Skytech stands their ground.
Skytech’s strength is based on its constant adherence to the highest technological standards and innovative transmission methods developed by leading satellite operators, whom Skytech works within close synergy. This collaboration sees confirmation in the qualifications and certifications Skytech regularly obtains, often for being the first in the world to provide compliant terminals that operate with their latest satellites.
You could be one of the first European distributors but your current airtime supplier might object, this is why.

So why do some associate Skytech with Airtime?
Following the acquisition by IDS Corporation, Skytech has focused on research, development and manufacture of VSAT terminals for military, shipping and yachting. Its main products are Ku, Ka and X, dual and tri-band antennas for airplanes, ships and satcom-on-the-move. The legacy airtime business has been sold and is not part of IDS strategy any longer.
So if your airtime supplier objects to you signing a distribution agreement with Skytech fear not you by Hardware with no commitment to airtime.
Skytech smallest KA band in the industry and what claims to be the first “True Dual band KA/KU dish.” For more on the the Skytech Dual band dish, you’ll have to wait until the April issue of our magazine.
In Superyacht Technology Digital magazine we look at a 50cm KA band dish that can be fitted in a few hrs and deliver 20Meg Upload/download speed.
Skytech Launches the Smallest VSAT Terminal on the Market with only 50cm of Dish
Skytech is at the forefront of antenna R&D for military, shipping and yachting applications. As a result, the first BB50, currently undergoing regulatory approval for Telenor Satellite’s THOR 7 satellite, will be installed this April, providing up to 2 Mb/s of upload and 20 Mb/s of download speed thanks to the new HTS Ka-band satellite from Telenor.
The retail price is 32,000.00 Euros including the latest iDirect modem and the Internet services, provided by Telenor, will come in monthly subscriptions or prepaid packages.
In April we will be talking directly to Edoardo Zargossa from Skytech in our Talking Tech feature.
Article by Edoardo Zarghetta
Skytech Research Ltd
For more information, please contact 0044 203 2876030