Good news for anyone who wants to learn more about FarSounder’s navigation sonar products: the company has opened up bookings for its annual training two-day course, set to be held this Spring in Warwick, Rhode Island.

The training is aimed at a wide range of professionals, from Technicians who want to be certified for commissioning and end-user training and Dealers who want to learn about all our product line, to Captains who want all the nitty-gritty details.

The first day will cover theory in the classroom, and the second will be hands-on with a 3D sonar aboard the R/V Cap’n Bert. It will run from April 11-12th, starting at FarSounder’s offices in Warwick, RI, followed by a day out in Narragansett Bay

Attendees will get both theoretical and hands-on experience with the company’s navigation products. Then, upon completion of the class, participants will be certified to install and commission FarSounder navigation sonars. Participants will also be qualified to provide end-user training for these systems.

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