It was fantastic to have Kerry Pettitt visit the Superyacht Technology Head Quarters to see what we are all about. We got to hear what Kerry has been up to since joining Smart Technology Advisers as Consultant Commercial Director, and chatted technology within the Superyacht industry – our favourite topic. Keep an eye out for future posts, with exciting things to come in our next few editions.

Here’s what Kerry had to say about our magazine:

“I think it’s very refreshing. I feel that in traditional [publications], although they have been very successful, there was always a disconnect between the technology people in the industry and everyone else; because if you are waiting every quarter for a technology article, it can actually prove quite difficult if you are an ETO, an engineer or a project manager doing the new builds. Whereas I feel what you have done and done quite successfully is that you got the industry talking tech again, and it’s been quite refreshing how you’ve got people communicating through their phones…. [We can] get news content about what we specifically are involved in through there. It’s excellent.

It’s easy for me to look through the digital magazine, [which is important because] I am just one person who got a busy lifestyle; there are thousands of us. And ultimately, when I am at an airport, I can actually have a look. I also have had people contact me, [saying] ‘what do you think about this? This article that I read from Superyacht Technology, is this what we got coming in the future?’ And I say I don’t know everything but at the end of the day, it’s not got to be far off, there is no smoke without a fire. It’s very good.”

Kerry Pettitt
Consultant Commercial Director
Smart Technology Advisers

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