In the hands of the crew and support sta?, the identical systems device provides alarms and monitoring services, TVRO and VSAT con?guration and monitoring, remote access, set-up and alignment, master lighting, environmental and HVAC controls.
The successful coding and con?guration of this interface is essential to the Owner’s enjoyment of their vessel.

Crestron provides a framework for a robust vertical stack of controls and content delivery that consolidates a development platform on which to build this most essential and visible of services. It is occasionally lost that this interface is not an end in itself – the object of the exercise may just be to turn the television on, and any further adornment which gets in the way is an obstruction, however decorative. Similarly, any lag or delay in response and con?rmation reduces con?dence in the success of the transaction. Correctly programmed and con?gured the Crestron architecture consolidates multiple layers of control protocols consistently and reliably, providing the systems designer with the freedom to engineer a modern, ?at, informative, interface.
On a separate subject, precautions are necessary prior to updating ?rmware on vessel systems prior to a new season. Simply assuming a software update will ensure compatibility is not acceptable in itself. Incompatible and arbitrarily applied ?rmware updates can leave computer systems, graphics cards, audio and video delivery incapacitated pending matching hardware updates. Potentially, a robust, working, and reliable system can be prejudiced through an unnecessary round of low-level updates. A coherent update strategy, in conjunction with extensive prior testing, should be mandatory before commencing any updates.”