In the next few weeks, the most prestigious Mediterranean yacht show takes place, the Monaco Yacht Show.  Sea traffic will be pouring into the principality and those yachts not involved in the show will be out at anchor until the show has ended.  With so much movement in a small area, safety is paramount.


Real-time forward-looking sonar does not build up the picture like a phased array sonar.  Instead, the FLS scans through 90 degrees from straight ahead to straight down in the vertical plane and updates the screen several times per second.  Any obstruction ahead will show on the screen immediately, it’s not historical, it is real-time.

For those attending the show to view the yachts, the prestige of the exterior and interior of the yacht is what they are there for.  For those manoeuvring the yachts, being aware of the seabed and potential hazards, to get the vessels to their location safety is their priority.


Forward Looking Sonar (FLS) ensures the safety of your yacht, owner and guests by visualising the seabed under the yacht and your path ahead.


Due to NDA’s Daniamant are unable to disclose the names of the yachts they work on but they estimate that they have 24 systems on 35-100m yachts at the Monaco Yacht Show this year.

Daniamant EchoPilot Forward Looking Sonar


Daniamant specialises in the development and manufacturing of safety equipment for the commercial and leisure marine industry.  Safety at sea is the core mission for Daniamant, therefore it produces products that will save life at sea.


In September 2017, Daniamant, the Danish-based marine electronics company acquired the UK based EchoPilot.  EchoPilot specialise in the design, development and manufacturing of advanced forward-looking sonars.  Their first Forward Looking Sonar FLS1 was launched and patented in 1992, there are now thousands of FLS’s in use worldwide.  In 2012 EchoPilot invented and patented their 3D forward looking sonar.  The newest version of 3D FLS was released in January 2018 by Daniamant.


Real-time forward-looking sonar does not build up the picture like a phased array sonar.  Instead, the FLS scans through 90 degrees from straight ahead to straight down in the vertical plane and updates the screen several times per second.  Any obstruction ahead will show on the screen immediately, its not historical, it is real time.


Daniamant have a range of different FLS instruments to cover the needs of all yacht owners from 2D and 3D models.

Install a Collison Avoidance Device


The end of the Mediterranean season is the perfect time to consider all changes to your yacht.  The product is able to be retrofit, although your vessel would have to be drydocked in order to install the transducers.  It is also an essential consideration for yachting owners, management companies and captains to consider for new builds.


For a well-established collision avoidance device for your yacht contact Daniamant to find out which of their products are the best match for you.   Daniamant are not attending MYS this year but you can contact them on:


Telephone: +45 4737 3800

For any query feel free to contact us