Smart, reliable and fast Email for Superyachts

YachtCloud, technology and media-hosting specialists for the superyacht and yachting industries, are delighted to announce the launch of TrueSync – a truly unique Email solution capable of meeting the digital demands of superyacht owners. TrueSync joins YachtCloud’s growing range of innovative products and professional services for AV and IT systems. Introducing TrueSync: To view the Motion Graphic click here (NB: Film will open in YouTube).

Non- TrueSync Typical Installation

Why is there a need for a yacht-speci?c Email solution?

Typical yacht email installations consist of one server, based either on board or on shore. Every time the Captain or a crew member connects to their email they need to connect to this one server, whether that is from shore to yacht or yacht to shore. High volumes of email traf?c, use and communication put a signi?cant strain on the internet/data connection which is of particular importance for the yacht. Valuable connection data needs to be allocated to the email traf?c resulting in it not being available for other technical system requirements. This can be inef?cient, not cost-effective and makes the sending and receiving of emails slow.

one onboard server and one shore server

How is TrueSync different?

TrueSync consists of two servers: one on board and one on shore. Both servers are fully and securely synchronized 24/7, using what is known as an Active / Active sync feature. This feature is unique to TrueSync and therefore no other email solution guarantees this. When an email is sent from the yacht, the shore server handles the distribution. When an email is sent from shore, the yacht server distributes it to the necessary devices. Neither server is unnecessarily taxed and bandwidth connection usage is kept to a minimum.

What are the advantages?

TrueSync delivers and receives emails faster. It saves on bandwidth. It is secure. Emails are ?ltered before they get to the yacht. It is reliable and the full synchronization guarantees optimized backups. It ensures that the onboard connection is used ef?ciently, without interfering with bandwidth needed for additional onboard services.

The unique Active/Active sync feature of TrueSync guarantees a smart, fast and reliable Email set-up making it the best ?t for the maritime industry. Further features include:

• True Yacht-Shore Email Synchronization
• Seamless encrypted connection to shore server when leaving yacht
• Single address
• Full database replication
• Shore-based spam ?ltering
• Virus Check
• VSAT connection not required to receive mail when on shore
• Receive email on board using any of the available internet connections
• Optimized use of bandwidth
• Results in enhanced owner and guest experience of other internet-based services

“We are always looking for yacht-speci?c solutions to improve the onboard experience. Innovations that use proven technology to address actual onboard problems and that offer a reliable and much-needed solution. TrueSync is a great example of a product that really does offer superyacht owners something better. A solution that really can meet onboard demands, solve email related issues whilst providing additional resulting bene?ts for other technical system requirements,” explains Andre Klepper, YachtCloud Founder.

YachtCloud, based in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, specialises in delivering innovative products and professional services developed speci?cally for the speci?c needs of the yachting and superyacht industries. The company, founded in 2014, is made up of best-in-class engineers and software specialists who are experienced in the yachting industry and lead the ?eld in technology and delivering innovative products. YachtCloud’s product range includes the all-in-one onboard entertainment solution Omniyon featuring a media server, audio and video-on-demand, integrated live TV and content and in-cabin control. Further products include LaundryBoard, CrewBoard, Echo and ShoreSafe as well as content management and server hosting services.

For more information and for all press enquiries please contact: Sarah Flavell: or / Tel: +31 627 267 006

For any query feel free to contact us